
Sicilian masculine noun.
Aroma, smell, pleasant exhalation from natural substances, what tastes good.

Authentic traditions, taste of Sicilian passion, love for the local culture

Azienda Agricole Scyavuru srl is immersed in a citrus grove near Ribera, a small town crossed by three rivers on the south coast of Sicily. Our main goal is to transform what the territory offers with a particular eye to the cultivation and harvesting of fruits, carefully preserving the seasonality of nature. We select fresh and genuine ingredients for the preparation of Spreadable Creams, Toppings, Sauces, Jams and Marmalades, taking care of every single step. We offer a wide range of products for the world of pastry and catering. We try to satisfy every need of our customers, such as patisseries, food shops and cafes, helping them to prepare delicious and tasty recipes.